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The Heart of the Issue: Contentment

Writer's picture: Emily GibbsEmily Gibbs

To begin this post, I want to say thank you to Anna and A New Day Fam for reaching out and giving me the opportunity to share. I met Anna and her family through our local church, The Grove, probably 10 years ago. I haven’t gotten to have a lot of conversation with her but in the moments I have, I have been so encouraged. I am amazed at all that God is doing in her life and I am grateful that she has made the decision to follow Jesus and His leading before she goes into her 20’s. The best part is, she is going after what God has for HER. Not anyone else’s dreams, wishes, or wants, but the calling that was tailored made just for her even before she was born. Proud of you girl. Keep digging deep. Thank you for being you!

What a gift to watch younger women be all that God has called them to be. Oh, how I wish women of young and old could grasp this sooner than later: following the heart of God and His unique plan designed for each of us. Even for myself, I wish I could have captured this sooner. However, the learning process has been equally beautiful.

Side note: If you are past your twenties, this is still for you. If you haven’t reached 20, this is still for you. Young or old, God has a word for all of us today. If you don’t get anything from this, maybe it was just for me to recall and to remember just what God has done and is continuing to do. However, my prayer is you leave here feeling seen and known by Someone who knows you better than you do. So here we go! Let’s journey together in a topic that I am still learning even at the age of 26. I would like to title this post, The Heart of the Issue: Contentment.

I have a question for everyone: Have you ever been so hungry that after you finally got something to eat, you still weren’t satisfied? Kind of felt like a joke; like someone was playing tricks on you. It just wasn’t what you were wanting and now you’re even hungrier than before you took your first bite. Been there? Now, I like food, but I promise this is just an analogy and not the subject I will be talking about today, friends. I guess what I am trying to say is this: You left feeling discontent. Man, if I’m discontent with the minor things such as what I am eating or drinking, can you imagine the bigger things in life?

To start this journey, here is a little bit about me. My name is Emily Gibbs, and I am 26 years old. I currently live in a small town called Lula, GA. I attend The Grove church in Maysville where I have been on staff for 8 years working with the Creative Worship Arts ministry. I get the opportunity to lead worship alongside some of the greatest and most talented people I’ve ever known and get to serve in many different elements at my church. The last few years, I have picked up the small hobby of photography and I enjoy getting to create in that element as well. I have been so blessed to have two godly parents who have supported me my whole life, Brandon and Cindi, and I have two younger siblings Austin and Allie who are the funniest people you’ll ever meet. I also have a 4-year-old goldendoodle named Finn. He is a mess, but I love him! I graduated from Liberty University with an Associates in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s in Biblical and Theological Studies.

I was saved at the age of 6 in the floor of my parent’s bedroom and led by my dad. Some would say young, but I won’t ever forget the heart change and peace I felt when I accepted Christ. I was convicted of my sin and repented in order to receive the gift of salvation. However, the enemy began to do what he does: attack. Here began the long journey of self-doubt, no confidence, questioning my purpose, and wondering if God really could use a girl from the small town of Lula. I knew deep down these were all tactics of the enemy to try and distract me from the plans God had for me. If the enemy can capture your thoughts, destruction is right around the corner:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (1 John 10:10 ESV)

I grew up in church my whole life so it’s all I’ve ever known but the enemy is no stranger to people- even the church kids. For years, I would give in to the lies and allow them to steal my joy and cloud my vision. I remember vividly the day I was so down on myself, my calling, and my dreams, that I couldn’t even see with clarity anymore the promises of God. It scared me. Bad. I was unhappy, unhealthy, and unrelenting in my negative thoughts. Had I really allowed Satan to invade and become the loudest voice I could hear? At this point, I was about to jump into my 20’s and trying to figure out every detail of my life. Isn’t that what we do? Society tells us we must figure everything out on our own and quickly or we won’t amount to anything.

Discontentment was ringing so loud and clear within me at this point. What was I doing wrong? Why do I feel so defeated? I’ll never forget at that lowest point mentioned above, a strong mentor of mine said something so simple yet so profound: “Contentment is not a job or calling issue, it is a heart issue.”

It was just that: a heart issue. I knew that my discontentment was coming from a place of not trusting God and His sovereign plan. My discontentment was also coming from not being close to Him and growing. Could I really be the culprit of limiting God and the work He could do in my life? I knew I had to recall that little 6-year-old girl knelt down on the floor asking God to come into her heart and change everything about her. I had to REMEMBER all that God has done and will continue to do. I had to remind myself that He never left and never will even though I strayed. The Word of God became my safe place and refuge. His Word became my strong tower (Proverbs 18:10). To be able to get out of this issue of not being content, I had to immerse myself in His Truth. It was a matter of a heart change, not the change of my circumstances; like undergoing an operation.

A biblical definition of contentment is defined as the following: “To be free from care because of satisfaction with what is already one’s own. The Hebrew means simply “to be pleased.” In an article discussing the issue of contentment, author Steven J Cole puts it this way:

“The secret for contentment in every situation is to focus on the Lord--as Sovereign, as Savior, and as the Sufficient One.”

I had certainly lost my focus. After reading that profound statement, I thought about Matthew 6:25-34 where Jesus is in the middle of preaching The Sermon on the Mount and encouraging the people and His disciples to examine their hearts, to not be anxious, and to seek first the Kingdom of God:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33 ESV)

I knew what I needed to do. It was time to wake up and surrender my discontentment, my self- doubt, my own plans, and the things I thought I had lost, in order to embrace the fullness of the life that Jesus died to give me. I needed to seek Him first above everything else. I love Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 when he too makes it clear that its God’s grace in our weaknesses that can make us strong:

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am CONTENT with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 ESV)

Because we have Jesus, we already have what we need. We can already be pleased in life, our calling, and our situations, because we know the price has already been paid in full. That doesn’t mean everything will be easy all the time, but if we are truly content, we are not wavered by our situations and circumstances because we trust and hope in Him. I have always loved Psalm 23 where David declares that “The Lord is My Shepherd”. The first verse is simple yet packed full of truth:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1 ESV)

I once heard John Piper explain “shall not want” as meaning “to lack nothing”. What a declaration of truth. I believe David meant it with his whole being because he had experienced the faithfulness and goodness of God in his own life. He had his fair share of bad situations, trying circumstances, and everything going against him, but I believe he still ran after the Father and found his only source of contentment. David knew the Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd knew him; better than anyone else.

So, are you looking for a remedy, a bible study, or that special someone to bring contentment in your life? Stop looking. He’s here, wherever you are reading this from. He’s been here all along waiting for you with open arms. Want to know the secret to being content? JESUS. That’s it. Simple right? I almost feel crazy for not learning and believing this sooner. Learn to align your heart with the heart of the Father who is for you and loves you unconditionally. Once you do that, you will experience more joy in this life than you could have ever imagined!

Am I perfect at being content every single day? Certainly not, but it’s a daily surrender to His leading. It’s a yearn deep in our souls to truly want what He wants. Although I still have my own struggles, I can confidently say I have had a complete heart and mind shift. I cannot explain to you in words just how releasing it is to follow Him and believe for yourself everything He says about you. Freedom is an understatement. It feels like I am finally living life! I want you to experience the same. My prayer for us going forward is that we would allow Him to truly be our source of joy and contentment. It’s the joy of the Lord that will be our strength.

Prayer: God, help us to be secure in who You have called us to be and what You’ve called us to do. I pray we would have an “excellent spirit” or a great attitude as Daniel did in scripture and to go above and beyond what is required of us. I pray You will examine our hearts and bring contentment in the areas that are lacking. It’s time to live and breathe again. May I fully receive the blessings that come when I say YES to You and allow You to change me from the inside out. Jesus, You’re all I need. Amen.

Say this with me as a declaration over yourself today: “I am content when I have You, Jesus!” Now that you understand where true contentment comes from, it’s time to surrender it daily. Life gets messy, chaotic, and difficult at times, but when we are weak, He is our strength. Looking through the lens of a contented heart, we can boast in nothing but the cross of Jesus and the grace and mercy we receive every day.

Help me, Lord, to be content with what I have and where You’re leading me. Help us continually grow in wisdom and knowledge of who You are, and what Your word says is true. May Christ be our contentment from this day forward!

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