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Called To Contentment

Writer's picture: Anna BeadlesAnna Beadles

As I was flipping through my Bible the other day, I came across a piece of paper dated 02.28.22 with the words “Daily Bread” written at the top. Right below those words was a question I had written and it read: “If we’re so focused on what the world has for us and ourselves, how can we fulfill our purpose and share the Gospel?” Woah. Talk about the Lord being so caring and invested in each of our lives! Finding this piece of paper from over a year ago was an answered prayer and the reminder/redirection that I needed.

Contentment. Oh how I wish I could say that I am always content with where I am in my life… but that would be a big fat lie. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always struggled with being content. For me it often stems from a stage of life/things I wish that I had; wishing I was out of college and envious of the girls who are married and having kids, or wishing I was one of the people I see on my Instagram feed who are living their best lives in Europe all summer, or wishing so badly that I had this cute outfit this girl on Instagram had on that I could never afford. It often seems like the best is “out there” and I’m missing out. You feel me on this?

The fear of missing out (aka FOMO) is so real and I believe it truly is a plague that’s infesting us. In a time when we have everything accessible to us within seconds and there is so much noise and comparison running rampant, how do we fight to be content? Being content is not only something that we have to fight for because it is not in our nature due to our flesh, but it is something we are called to as believers. When we choose to be content with where the Lord has placed us, true life and peace will accompany us. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of striving and beating myself up because I’m not where I feel like I want to be. If I’m so focused on what’s in the future or how life used to be, I’m going to miss out on what God is doing in my life now. And all because of my stubbornness and entitlement I will miss out on a season of life that I’m trying to rush through.

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:5-6

When we feel stuck in discontentment, going back to the basics and the foundational elements of the Faith is essential and today we are landing on one of the sweetest prayers in Matthew 6.

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver is from the evil one.’”

Matthew 6:9-13

The Lord’s Prayer is simple yet has such great depth and meaning to it. “Give us today our daily bread.” Notice how it says “today” not tomorrow or yesterday or the next five years worth of bread. Just today’s bread. I think learning to be content with where we’re at often starts with learning to take life day by day; learning to not worry about tomorrow or the future because if the Lord can supply us with what we need for today, can’t He provide us with what we need for tomorrow? Friends, we must realize and take to heart that nothing in this world- no relationship, amount of clothing, wealth, number of followers, bucket list items checked, or accolades we have will ever make us fully content. Meditating on this for me has put into focus just how much I need the Lord to sustain me because apart from Him I am nothing. I can live a life that is deemed perfect, acceptable, and good by worldly standards but at the end of my life, I know that I would be full of regret and emptiness because my soul would be without Jesus.

A little further down on my little slip of paper, I wrote another question. I think this question would really benefit each of you if you took the time to answer it. Answering this question, and the question from the very beginning, will hopefully give you a new mindset and daily practices that you can put into play in your life.

What are ways I can focus on being more content each day?

These are a few ideas I wrote down that have helped me:

  • Ask only for my daily bread in prayer

  • Plan ahead but don’t harp on the future (James 4:14)

  • Ask Jesus for contentment, peace, and sustenance (Mat. 7:7)

  • Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God (Mat. 6:33)

  • Acknowledge daily the power and divinity that lives in me and through me as I act as a vessel for the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16)

  • Do not worry. (John 14:27)

  • Have a kingdom mindset not a me mindset

  • Be intentional with the time I spend in the Word

Learning to be content is hard and I’m not really sure we’ll ever truly be fully content on this side of heaven, but just because it’s hard doesn’t mean that God hasn’t called us to it. He never promised His people an easy or comfortable life, but He did promise to walk hand-in-hand with us into eternity. Hold fast to the unshakable promises that He has given us in His Word & accept the calling to be content in any and every season He has given you.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 6:33

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